How do I cancel my free trial or membership?

Because we desire to serve our customers in the best possible way, we offer a free 14-day trial.
This gives users an opportunity to explore our offerings and see if Ministry Pass is a right fit for
them. During the initial sign-up process, customers agree to the terms of service, which includes
a 12-month subscription commitment if they do not cancel their trial.

To cancel an account during the free trial period, please click on the cancellation button within the account. If you have any questions, you can email [email protected], or
send us a message through the customer support chat feature on our website.

If you have fulfilled your 12-month commitment, you are free to cancel any time after that. You
can contact our support team at [email protected], send a message through the
customer support chat feature on the website, or by submit a request by clicking the link below.

Please see the 12-month stipulation that must be initialed when signing up for the free 14-day


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