How to activate your Churchly web services

If you have a Ministry Pass GROW or IMPACT subscription our Churchly web services are included at no extra cost. 

NOTE: If you have a free trial of Ministry Pass, please know Churchly is only available when your trial period is over and you become a member.

You can activate your Churchly web services with a few simple steps that take only minutes to complete. 

Step 1: 

Login to your Ministry Pass account and navigate to your “account profile settings” by finding the icon in the top right hand corner.

You can also get to this area directly by logging in at

Step 2: 

Press the "Setup Now" button located in the Churchly section. 

Step 3: 

Provide a name for your website. It can be your church name or your name. You can always change it later, too. 

Step 4: 

Next, you will be sent to a page that asks you to identify whether you already have a website, or if you are starting from scratch (church plants, new churches…etc.). 

Select the option that makes the most sense for your situation. 

Step 5: 

Last step! Fill out your chosen form to the best of your ability. The purpose of this form is to give us an idea of what we need to build, and what is important to you. If you don’t have an answer, don’t sweat it. Write “I’m not sure” and move to the next question. 

When you’re finished, press submit. 

Once you submit the form you're all done! Our team will get to work and reach out to you to schedule an opportunity to talk, review progress, and launch your site. 

Questions? Contact [email protected]

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