What happens when you click "Launch" under Sermonary?

When you click “Launch” under Sermonary you will be directed to a page where you can create your Sermonary account (for free).

NOTE: Please make sure to use the same name and email address as your Ministry Pass account to ensure it syncs and you receive no additional charges. 

After that your Sermonary account will be active and you will immediately be able to use its resources and one-of-a-kind editor and preaching modes. 

WATCH: Get to know Sermonary in 60 seconds

If you have an active (or inactive) Sermonary account using the same name and email address as your Ministry Pass account.

  • Simply use your current username and password after pressing “Launch” and it will link your accounts and transfer you to your Sermonary dashboard. 

If you have a Sermonary account with a different name or email address than your Ministry Pass account.

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