I have Ministry Pass... what does Churchly cost?

If you have an active Ministry Pass GROW subscription you have a free website for your church (or for your personal side ministry) INCLUDED through Churchly. There are no other costs or charges to activate or maintain your website.

NOTE: if you have an active Ministry Pass IMPACT plan you have access to Churchly+ which includes the free website “plus” more

It’s not too good to be true. You really can upgrade your website, improve your online outreach, and save money in your budget at the same time. 

Here’s how it breaks down: 

What is included (and potentially replaces current costs in your church budget):  

  • Churchly web hosting (no extra fees or costs related to hosting, it is all included)
    • Unlimited pages, drag & drop editor, relevant templates and features
  • Churchly maintenance (no extra fees or actions required - any updates are pushed out in the background at no additional cost to you)
  • Churchly dashboard and basic analytics (traffic and other helpful metrics)
  • Churchly contacts and email messaging 
  • Churchly calendar tools (appointment scheduling, meetings…etc.)
  • Churchly online store (for your events, facility rental situations, bookings, books…etc.)
  • Churchly texting (the service is free, but your volume of texts has a separate fee depending on how much you use it)

What is NOT included (and would remain part of your church budget): 

  • Your domain name (your web address or the www.________.com/org/church part of your website). You either need to purchase one, or keep your current one through whatever service you have used to acquire it. If you need help with this let us know.
  • Your giving platform (we integrate with almost every type of platform, but the giving service itself you would need to keep) 
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